
Хладнокровный Головорез: литературный дневник

all my guts не были настолько расшвыряны по столу for sooooo long and i can't help feeling fuckin b r i l l i a n t & w o n d e r f u l & a w e s o m e about it i guess i'd agree to exchange a lung or a kidney for about a three months of this feeling exclusively and i've been terribly missin it and every side effect of it including being drunk without alcohol and being happy like an idiot 4 no reason and having full head of ideas and questions and worries and living without it means living hybernated which means living with no life so everything else doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all even if it looks dangerous and may pass painfully and end in sorrow, nothing matters at all when u come across this state, the only thing that matters is remembering that i've got to b careful in order not to break anything precious cos most of the precious things is quite vulnerable which just makes them more precious

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