George by Rudolf Nureyev Without Make Up Australia

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Nureyev about George by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu

GEORGE / // 2008

The service has finished.
I raced out and quickly exhaled deeply to clear the incense from my lungs
I sit on a nearby bench for a smoke and notice that the light breeze plays with the lilac bushes.

“Such utter relief. How great to be in the fresh air.
It’s magnificent for the soul.

I can study everything clearly which can be seen.
Everyone passing by .. are eyeing me with interest.

Thank God the week’s over,” I start to gibber to myself.
I’ve a special respect to myself today.

You see I donated three dollars to the church, which is a buck more than usual.
Do you think that I had one more sin than normal? No, you haven’t guessed at all.
It was my caprice. I simply wanted to so that’s why I did it! Yes, Rudy is a hero!

“Ahh, how pleasant it is to see yourself in the yuppie part of society,” I joke.

The park spread out straight from the church. I see how someone camouflaged under a hat dashes from tree to tree. Now he sits on a vacant bench. Noticing that he’s all alone I decide to go and park my butt next to his.

“How’s …things?” I ask when he finally looks at me.
“Hi, I’m George and everything is going OK and sometimes prosperous, but alas I can’t say that about home! At home like always you could break your bloody neck in every room from all the junk and mess strewn about,” he wings to me as he smoothes out the creases in his pants.
“What’s with my wife? Nobody knows what to do with a cantankerous babe! She’s like Bengal lights on the windowsill. Sometimes everything is “normal”, then simply for no reason at all, she becomes a furious and blazing bush fire. Her suffocantness … spreads from her... vile and evil fumes to choke everyone that comes in contact with her. I don’t know what to do! She harassed me non-stop every time I set foot in the house.”

George sat and talked with me, as if in search for a savior from his... fiancée. He was unable to stand. He didn’t want to return, so he stretched out his time, until he really had to go back. What most people call home, he nicknamed hell.

“You know yourself, how much it’ll cost when you climb into a cab and you’re at home in an instant. You don’t have time to think of look about! One, two, three... sets of traffic lights and then you’re in your kitchen... where she’s welded to the kitchen table... She’s always here, sitting and waiting!”

While he sat meditating, I left silently. I saw that someone else wanted him.

“Why are you so pushy?” George hissed unkindly and … intend to attack … with clenched fists, anyone, who he could, just to take out his revenge on, for his good for nothing fate.
“I want to sit, so I’ll sit!” the stranger laughed.
“And why are you so angry, your wife can’t get pregnant or something?” he added, but already with the touch of the “Blues” in his voice.

George’s jaw fell agape. He felt whole heartily, that it was only this excuse that chased him from the house. Isn’t it true, that for the three years of them living together, she never gave birth to his child. That’s maybe why she becomes feral, at the whole world, at him and hates herself... for her own barrenness and multi-miscarriages.

“Who are you? Are you a holy judge? Is that why you’re so horribly righteous about everything?” George asked spitefully.
“What are you doing, roaming around the toilets... Do you want to become one of... them?” he winked and distorted his lips into an arrogant smile.
“Mate, it’s best if you shuffle along home!” he begged himself as he prepared to go.

He had no time to cross himself, when the stranger jumped behind a bush in a panic and later emerged flapping his wings... he had transformed into a bat.

Everything was repeated the next day. He sat in the same place in the park, only this time he didn’t notice that he started to daydream.

When George woke up and rubbed his eyes he realized that he had entered the cafe on the corner. Where he ordered his usual... He drinks his cappuccino sprinkled with chocolate and frothy milk bubbles. There’s a paper filled of miserable news. It’s all as usual, everything as it should be. From Saturday to Sunday nothing changes, the world is ancient and unmovable. George was busy scrupulously studying important newspaper gossip... from overseas and at home.

“Where’s that strange noise coming from?” he lifted … eyes to see a bat.
“Is it the same batty fella from yesterday?” he thinks to himself.
“I’m sure that you are my follower from no man's land!” George stated a little puzzled. “What’s your name?” George suddenly squeaked in fear.
“I’m Jesus the alien,” he laughed abruptly and aggressively into George’s face. “I hope that you won’t ask me to walk on water, or turn on CD music from the clouds?”
“But, haven’t you died?” George grinned ridiculously.
“No. That was a liquid crystal hologram. It was necessary to swap it with my body before my... death on Golgotha hill. In the daylight I become translucent. Even those vivid rays of light before the sunsets make me nearly transparent. Sometimes I look exactly like a condom blown up with helium gas.”
“What about your body? Didn’t they place you in that cave? Is it true that they said that you had heavy bones?”
“Oh, that’s when my liquid crystals re - s o l a t i a … then I can … transforming into … any shape in … for in … a couple of days. My holograms are like wax and sometimes can be similar to the dead body of a corpse.”
“Listen, cut out the jokes! Don’t lie to me and pretend that you’re the real Jesus! Aren’t you frightened of God’s rage? Stay away from me... keep your distance, twilight spirit.”
“What a pity, but it’s not a very favorable joke on your behalf. I’m not guilt … that I’m Jesus and my closest mate St. George nick-named me such. Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem also called me the same.”
“Listen to me, Jesus. I don’t like to play jokes with God,” George emptied the cup and thought to escape from this impostor.
“Who’s God? How many of them were before me, Jesus? Most people have a wife and sometimes... many wives. These women produce crowds of their own holy children, divine girlfriends and lovers. Did you know that such intolerable noise stayed in heaven before my death? Everyone of you must listen and be persuaded to make amends... You must agree with your own fate of death and stop discussing who is a real God.”
“Yes, I can imagine what happened to the ancient Greeks and Romans!” George commented then gritted his teeth.
“For sure, everything was exactly so with no exceptions, until I was dropped off to you from the other tail of the Milky Way Galaxy,” his neighbor replied and ordered another cappuccino from the waiter.
“For sure there’s no other way to Earth for new comers and after they do manage to come here, silence and cosmic tranquility falls... upon all humanity,” George says sarcastically.
“What do you mean about “tranquility” and “simplicity”, George?” Jesus asked.

George stopped objecting, he began to understand that his companion isn’t native to these parts, maybe he comes from afar... Perhaps he’s a... foreigner?

“Yes, I always insisted, don’t kill, don’t steal and especially love your enemy. Before I came, it wasn’t… oblige! Everywhere around were wars, spilt blood and rapes. To steal a wife was OK! Do you know why? To have stolen wives… were necessary for the household. It meant free labor… If you stole children, that was fine, too. Why? Again… to have cheap hands in the house... and in the fields. To raid the neighboring village was common. It didn’t hinder the growth of wealth. Whatever you say, everything in the household... was for a bargain. So, George, that’s how everyone... lived before I came from God, Our father. It’s not in vain that gigantic scandals, filthy conflicts and bloody wars glorified the House of Moses throughout Israel. I’m not saying anything about... the Roman Empire, where they loved to watch brutal gladiator fights and animalistic games. I came with only one purpose. I asked everyone to stop sacrificing human flesh. So, George... Will you live better now? I mean after my death on the cross... my crucifixion.”

“Didn’t we learn how to live as Christians? Lots of things have changed in two thousand years. I think kindness and justice have become more common! That’s for sure...”
“Yes, I agree, but, please remember that you count time only for the second thousand years. That’s not much really; I calculate such time, as you’d say as a few seconds. Maybe in two to five thousand years for sure... success will come. Trust me, George.”
“Are there really hidden cosmic rules, which we don’t know of yet?” George was surprised at his guess, as if someone pushed him to it.
“Yes, one of them is such… When you become four billion, then one of you can leave the planet.”
“You’re not joking! It means that we can’t do it earlier.”
“No, it only happens when there are no less then four billion of the same species. This number is the key to accumulate a powerful electromagnetic field around Earth. Such field is the key to stimulate new ideas between creative minds. It’s visible for me like sheet lightening, which strikes through the human’s brains; some recognize it as, “intellectual matter”. In other words, psychic energy pulses between people... of modern times...”
“Is it really true?” George said in shock, forgetting long ago about his cappuccino.
“Yes, such things can’t occur earlier. It has already been expected for four million years... Nobody could even think about on this planet before. If you had no desire to leave then you couldn’t. Even the puzzling lightning strike under special conditions, one of them is, that the geomagnetic poles of the planet exceed the powerful radiation of human psychic energy. It’s difficult to find an example to explain it. Perhaps it’s as if daylight is accumulated to its maximum concentration in rock crystals of mountain quartz from ancient times. Isn’t it the same light that has shined for millions years around these transparent monoliths? It’s possible that such light is still trapped inside them.”
“Who then... created us as humans?” another thought arose aloud from... George.
“Nobody. You are all creative species, which came about on your own. You belong to only one species that’s capable of creating questions. It’s clear, that in a few hundred thousand years of your calendar you’ll leave your star-sun, and make way, for other species... ants, birds or bees. What’s the difference to... me, as Christ! I treat all species equally.”
“They’ll be left on Earth, but already for the next four million years and then develop to “creative creatures!” George gasped. “So everybody can think, but not many have the gift to ask questions. So I’m not to search for thinking creatures, as they don’t exist. Intelligence is a gift for creative questioning.”
“Yes and then... following someone else and they leave the same sun-star, but for the sake... of evolution of another now unknown species. It’s so simple. Have I said something unclear or confusing?”
“It means, it’s not true that we believe, someone created us? So, we don’t have any fore-fathers, and there never were...?”
“No. That’s incorrect. Human beings do have relatives, but on your special “Mother planet”. Look carefully how many diverse races live next to you. They all in addition, live in different centuries and millenniums. Can you guess why? They all came into existence independently from each other. Sometimes there is more than a million years between their first ancestors and different pioneer settlers from the Milky Way Galaxy.”
“So each race is the cosmic offspring of different ancestors? That’s a bit beyond my imagination.”
“Yes, but it is believable. It’s the only way. Some of these races are nearly ready to leave this planet forever in the next closest millennium... the white race will leave on his planet... Africans and Australian Aboriginals. Trust Jesus... George. They can never catch up closer than... forty thousand years, which divide these remarkable aboriginals from the “white” civilization. The main thing is not to speed up... this mutual overlap of “alien cultures”. Let each of them pave their own road into space, where they will dissolve among the spirals of my MILKY WAY GALAXY.”
“Now, that’s beyond any human’s imagination.”
“Yes, that’s because it’s the truth! But, that’s... again if you’re ready to accept me. You see I am your cosmic ancestor, if I can follow your logic of modern language. Hundreds of generations have already left your world. We left you all as Neanderthals, so that you could go your own unheeded way, as we forecasted. A million years between us is like the barrier between Aboriginals and the British Australians.
Isn’t it weird? We simply left you all in isolation of your own limits. You mixed unmixable races through wars, which never developed stable and long living civilizations.
The tragedy is here. Such brutal tendencies over rule to dominant the gene pool. Here are too many soldiers being born and creativeness is disappearing.”
“But, now isn’t it all different? Well isn’t it, my dear Jesus?”
“Yes, but I warn you, that the evolution of your races, on this planet is racing towards the final cycle. There are too many tensions between races; this is due to too many differences in “time zones” of cultures. Every nation … lives in … own calendar and own speed of development. That’s why they tear away from each other.”
“Can you say something about it? I’m frightened of the subject which you’re talking about, and I’m petrified to ask anymore.”
“Yes, if you ask!” he answered.
“And what if I don’t?”
“If you don’t ask, then my answer is no.”
“Is that another law linked to, “The Law of Eternity”?”
“Yes! You understand wisely. If you don’t have questions, then there won’t be any answers.”
“Did it really take four million years to guess the “Question” about the stars?” George was excited about the puzzle, which was on the tip of his tongue.
“Yes, 1996 is the year of arithmetic's, it’s nothing to have millions of years of gaps between races from cosmic travelers.”
“So tell me! Who then is Jesus himself?” George scratched the back of his head as he asked calculative.
“Oh, there were many of us! HE was here every two thousand years. Krishna as he was called six thousand years ago. Moses’ Jews noticed the age no less than four thousand years ago. The last time He came to this world was 1996 years ago. You remember the legend about Him?”
“Really! So it’s a miracle about your presence, right now?”
“Yes, but I never avoid visiting other different civilizations from time to time as I fly in from Nowhere. Often one civilization replaces others. Their traces vanish under the sands of the Sahara Desert. Sometimes others are re-born from Nowhere, as they originally came from. The memories about alien life forms often are hidden in letters or hieroglyphics.
Yes, they regularly called Him, what they wanted by different names. Only I can remember my own names in the hundreds of dead languages of the East, in America and in Africa. Do you know why? Because… they …all hear differently. For example; cats in Russia say “MYAOW” and in England “MEEOW”. The same is with me, one name is pronounced and they wrote it in their own specific way. If they hear differently then their spelling can vary too. Have you noticed that there’s no links between alphabets?” George smiled and slapped his friend on the shoulders.
“You’re a great f a n t a s i a e r ! Anyway are you a man or a woman? Didn’t you die childless? Around you always followed young curly haired boys, didn’t they?” he asked and gazed intrigued into his eyes.
“I’m a nobody! I’m he and she combined together. I can give birth, if I want to. I don’t really know what to say about my sexuality. It’s like an echo in the mountains.
Let’s better talk about something else. My essence for new creatures is a repetition of all my words for a hundred thousand years. Then these same words, my words today, will become a new sound, but from the future and simultaneously from the past. I can’t explain it to you. You don’t have enough words in your vocabulary. Maybe such words will come in the future? These words aren’t yet discovered from ancient dictionaries. One day you’ll decipher their new meanings.”
“What is the future, and where’s the past?”
“You’ll know it after you become the newcomers of the Milky Way Galaxy,” he answered softly and without a shadow of a doubt in his voice.
“That means, it’s the truth and there won’t be any more wars and we won’t be extinguished as a planet?”
“No, of course not, never any more world wars. Life will continue for an eternity on Earth. Wars are over. The twentieth century became the end of the last war, in the history of the human race. There will be no more aggressiveness in the genes.”
“Really! George exclaimed excitedly.
“Yes, it’s true. You passed the most horrible and disastrous times in the history of the human race. Hundreds of millions of “white” people died in fires and apocalypses. They turned themselves into ashes in two world wars and tens of terrorist … revolutions. Two billion of you on this planet were never born!
The bordering century between two millennia’s functions as sieve for the gene pool. It filters unborn soldiers and prevents parents to conceive “aggressive” children. Tens of thousands of towns were destroyed into dust, burying the remaining aggressive genes among people who scream; “I want a baby from Hitler - the Anti-Christ”.”
“And life was rebuilt, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, built from scratch. But, this time nothing new was developed. It was like running on the spot. You only returned back. All the twentieth century you corrected and cured your wounded genes and blood thirsty instincts of ancient Rome.”
“There was nothing new created in my century!” George repeated horrified.
“You’re right! The evolution of mankind has lost a whole century of the Earth’s calendar. Thousands of unborn genius’, which were “the missions” to carry you far from your solar system before the first world war, didn’t fulfill their genetic... dedications. Did you know that Dr. Kibaltich invented drawings of space flight in the nineteenth century in St. Petersburg? His ideas were forgotten for a hundred years.”
“Yes, which means your prognosis didn’t come into reality for us.”
“You’re right, George. It hurled you back a thousand light years, which is a very serious obstacle. It has postponed your return to our ancestors.
Aggressiveness of Earth genes is evil. Because of the wartime it won’t be in 100 000 years but in 101 000 years. We will anyway unite and combine into a single inevitable cosmic family. It’s our fate!”
“Will you really forgive our sins, Jesus?”
“The main thing is to wait patiently for your destiny. Your lagging behind a thousand years makes us unfortunate.”
“Do you think that the Earth will be late or can’t meet with somebody?” George became uncertain about foreign words.
“Of course! Some races eventually die out from disease, and so don’t join us. Being late by a few hundred years is disastrous but a whole thousand is devastating. Resettling to us only happens once. Some civilizations move away from our neighboring “spiral” forever, because of the expansion of the Milky Way. There are no paths back; they all go around in circles.
For you to return back you need the same technology in a million years. Every ring of the Milky Way “sorts” us into a few thousand light years in different directions. Between you and the pygmies from the stone age in Africa have things more in common, then in one and the same century for races between the rings of our Galaxy.”
“Is that why any kinds of wars even accidental ones are a selection? Must all this quarreling cease before we enter Outer Space?”
“No wars are ever accidental. They are like a deadly disease, which must infect aggressive planets, wild nations and vampire races.”
“Only then, is it possible to develop genetic immunity? Isn’t it only one more law from the central cosmic rule, Jesus?”
“Yes, aggressiveness is self extermination. Immunization for self-distraction is programmed in the genes. Yes, this sickness is fatal. Carnivores are prohibited to enter the cosmos. They must become vegetarians. If he eats meat then, they accumulate carnivorous aggression. Here is the link to wars and in the end; children of meat eaters kill their ancestors and finally themselves. Everything will stop when there’s no aggression.”
“But, it’s cruel! It’s inhumane!”
“Who told you that I’m a Human? Haven’t I told you about the human’s fate? Didn’t I hint about how cosmos protects itself from star wars?”
“Yes. Now I’m ready to understand, that the rules of cosmos are for everyone combined! But, isn’t it good, that we are all, humans, it’s one for the playing pawns, play with His majesty Time and Her majesty Space” George said.
“No, it’s only one way, which can become your fate. Here is the end of the Present, Past and of the Future. Though Time as you understand it, never did exist. Trust me, George. In three hundred years, you’ll refuse to count time on clocks. New languages will appear and you’ll give birth to new ideas for the determination of your place and everyday life in the Universe. Time isn’t just a language for communication, like it is spread among you today, George.”
“What, time won’t exist anymore?” George shook.
“Haven’t you ever followed the instincts of your immortality, George? Am I saying something to upset you?”
“Well, I never trusted it consciously. Maybe only when I slept!”
“Believe yourself more often. You see you’re immortal like all humans. You are eternal, like me, all you need is to get your wife, Sarah, pregnant.”
“Can you help me?”
“No, I don’t have the right to interfere with your genetics. Our rules with you in the Galaxy are untouchable for everyone. I could be condemned the highest form of penalty, which is far worse then the electric chair, as you have today. Such penalty will erase my genetic mother planet completely with my gene pool from the first ancestors of invertebrates on Mars. Do you understand? Starting from this century to the birth of planet Earth.”

“George, it’s Rudy. You asked me to call. I’m coming over,” I laughed into the headpiece of his radiophone.
“I have such madness. Fang on …over … immediately. I’m waiting. It seems that there’s an alien in bed screwing my wife!” the phone disconnected.

“I don’t understand. Couldn’t it simply be done through artificial insemination?”
“No, it’s not so “simple”. There are bio-reflective pulsation laws, which until now are unknown. Please remember, I came to you from only one of the civilizations of the Universe. You know that my civilizations aren’t older than two billion Earth years. Our life experiences mean nothing compared to civilizations that are more mature then us. You will soon encounter the Gutarions and Amvartsevs from the Zebra Galaxy. These civilizations are going to contact you when all earth wars have ceased.”
“But, as a friend, help, Jesus. Please help my wife to have a baby,” George begged and kissed his friends exposed skin through his sandals.
“Go with her to the doctors and it’s possible to cure her sickness. Let’s say that her problem is an infection from a fungus, bacteria or virus.”
“Could it really be so simple, Jesus?”
“You see all of “them” invaded your planet billions of years ago. Here everything belongs to them. When you settled here four million years ago, “they” immediately occupied you. There is no difference between you and lakes, the soil or the ocean. Maybe something lives and evolves inside her fallopian tubes?”
“The difference is that they killed my unborn child. You know how tragic a miscarriage is?”
“Maybe, yes or maybe no! What if you’re not supposed to have children? Let’s say for some out of this world reason, which existed before and still exists now as part of your destiny.”
“Yes, but I want her children! I crave to have my children from her!”
“Yes, of course! But, you don’t have children for a reason, which - will be “known” later. Forgive me, George, please! Maybe, it’s how it must be, so that the world doesn’t collapse in a thousand years, after you or her.”
George’s friend noticed that he got up to order two more cappuccinos.
“Please, I want everything. I’m not on a diet anymore and not frightened of anything. I hunger to eat everything; cream, sugar, chocolate! Fill it full of everything waiter, without holding back,” he said pushily, as if someone was here, who felt pity and stole away from him something tasty.
George was petrified to turn around, to his table. He knew that nobody was watching his back. He felt it without any questions that his table would be empty and his guest would never return any more.
“Do such things happen twice in a lifetime?” he whispered to himself.
“I don’t want to turn around!” George said firmly to himself, but swivelled around anyway.
It wasn’t as he thought. He was mistaken like any common mortal man. There wasn’t anything risible or supernatural.
When he returned to the coffee table, he saw on it a postal stamp, with the face of Jesus-Christ. His bright sensitive eyes are watching a dove. Everything is so artificially glamorous and similar to those false images of Hollywood puppets.
“Its all stupid lies,” George exclaimed and stuffed Jesus into his pocket.
“Yes, very foolish. He thought that you were an idiotic believer,” a familiar voice said distinctly behind his back.
The cafe owner came out from behind the bench and sat at his table.
“Everyday the local monastery across the river delivers to me Jesus like dolls. I’m not even angry with those nuns. To tell … you… our truth. I never touched … the Holy face of Jesus-Christ, or such used stamp.”
“Yes and how can you be upset at an extravagant and blue eyed Christ. Sometimes I have stupid ideas that he has … not … unlived eyes. Perhaps they are covered by contact lenses. It must be a piece of dead synthetic material growing on his pupils. Could it be that water is weeping from his dead eyes and drips like a leaking kitchen tap?”

George couldn’t help from noticing that the words lingered, but without saying anything.
He was sure and could swear on the Bible, that there were no words.
To be exact there weren’t even any sounds or combinations of sounds. George began to hear some unknown methods of communication.

Exactly the same experience,
as before with Jesus, and this old neighbor who sat next to him.

He noticed that these two aliens have something in common.

They have the same facial features.
Their lips never twinge when they “talk”.
They conversed through their pupils.

George understood “it” and now saw who wanted to be with him.

They took each other’s hands and drifted to George’s home.
They felt an attraction to one another.

What if they overcome the barrier between two opposite sexes, but not from the same Galaxy?
I think they would leap into another millennium, or maybe even further.

“Tell me honestly! Did his mother the Holy Mary, lie?” George asked the waiter as they lay between the sheets.

“No! She was a stunningly beautiful person. Anyway why do you ask? Any virgin can give birth in your century. Here sex isn’t necessary. We can do it in a different way. For example you can use technology of mankind which came from aliens at the Bethlehem encounter.”

“Yes, you’re right! Sex has become a technical implant hormone,” George said surprised with his new language using old terminology.

“Are you a man or woman?”

“What’s the difference? You know yourself, that you and I are visible reflections seen through different “genetic” mirrors,” George answered, without blinking.

Behind the back of his new friend stood an invisible shadow.

The mirror hanging on the wall reflected a wig and underwear belonging to an alien from a nearby parallel world.

Referees about Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, Australia
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1995. Ryuntyu, Yuri Matthew, «Rudy Nureyev: Without Make-up»
Published by «Novoste», Moscow, Russia: 1-352 (in Russian)
ISBN 5-7020-0981-9

Sold 260 000 copies in Russia: 1995-2005

2009: ÑÅÐÈß ÈÇ 10 ÊÍÈÃ Þðè Ìýòòüþ Ðþíòþ
Publication Announcement-2009 Australia RU

Charitable Organization “The World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage: Australia” starting publication of the 10-Books of Australian Writer Yuri Ryuntyu in this year of his the 60-th jubilee: 1949-2009 in English, Russian and French:

Book 1
2009 ROCK IDOL & SUPERSTAR: Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev
ISBN 978-0-9806446-0-9 ART DOCUMENTARY: 1938-1993
Book 2
ISBN 978-0-9806446-1-6 SHORT STORY
Book 3
2009 ROUDI NOUREEV: Sans Maquillage
ISBN 978-0-9806446-2-3 SHORT STORY
Book 4
ISBN 978-0-9806446-3-0 BALLET DOCUMENTARY: 1910-1997
Book 5
ISBN 978-0-9806446-4-7 ART DOCUMENTARY: 1938-1993
Book 6
ISBN 978-0-9806446-5-4 THEATRE DOCUMENTARY: 1917-1997
Book 7
ISBN 978-0-9806446-6-1 SCIENCE FICTION
Book 8
ISBN 978-0-9806446-7-8 SHORT STORY
Book 9
ISBN 978-0-9806446-8-5 THEATRE DOCUMENTARY: 1936-1996
Book 10
ISBN 978-0-9806446-9-2 SHORT STORY


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Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu was born in KIZHI, ONEGA LAKE, Russia. Following his studies at the Academy of Science, Yuri Matthew RYUNTYU moved to Sydney (Australia) and worked, most notably, as a medico-biology scientist. A prizewinning scholar and academician, he has published a 45 books of literary and cultural criticism, including <The Recipe for the Genius>, <The Requiem for the Foresee>, <The Grate Surrenders>, <Abreast and Profile of The Imperial Russian Ballet> and <The Apostolic Silver Age of Russian Culture>. He has also written for such publication as the World of News, the Book Review, the Theatre Life, the Pravda, the Moscow Evening, the Moscow Pravda, the Megapolis Express and the Evening Club about Poetry, Literature, Movies, Religion, History, Music, Opera, Ballet, Politics and Australian Arts, where he is a contributing editor. His literary works and articles are available in English, French, Russian, German, Japanese and Kazakh for readers. Ryuntyu was able to dedicate himself entirely to literature following the success of <Rudolf Nureyev: without Make-up> in Russia, a gloomy satire on sexuality published in 1995. Ryuntyu’s ironic and often disillusioned perception of the state of affairs in Russia during and after the Communist occupation produced a body of work that is still at the forefront of twentieth-century Russian and Australian literature. A most famous: <The Temptation: Boris Yeltsin>, <On the Way of the Cross: Alexander Solzhenitsyn>, <Idol Russian Gay Culture: Sergey Paradzhanov> and <The Meditation: Bella Akhmadulina and Joseph Brodsky> Yuri Ryuntyu live in Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, Australia + Ðþíòþ o Êóëüòóðe Ðîññèÿí â ÑØÀ The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum USA

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